Legislature is a law website dedicated to the United States constitutional law and democracy.
Our second main subject of studies is comparative constitutional law and democracy in countries of common law and civil law systems.

Constitutional law and Democracy
Constitutional law is the citizen’s tool to protect democracy and his foundamental rights.
Democracy originates from the Constitution and therefore constitutional law. The first rules that organize democracy are the ones that define wich individuals or entities are legit to exercise powers within the Checks and Balances system. The Checks and Balances are the relations between the legislative branch (United States Congress, makes the law), the executive branch (the President of the United States and his federal administration, enforces the law,), and the judicial branch (the judicial system and the Supreme Court Of The United States, interpret the law and the Constitution).
Thoses rules are electoral or election law and are part of constitutional law. Thus, electoral laws are ones of the first manifestations of the right of democracy belonging to the citizens. Ultimately the citizens mandate representatives in the House of Representative and indirectly senators in the Senate to exercize democracy.

Comparative law
Our main subject of comparative constitutional law and democracy is Switzerland (Swiss Confederation).
The Swiss Confederation has a very special relationship with the United States. Switzerland is an exemple of direct democracy but above all is the origin of the american democracy. Indeed the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution of certains States such as California are inspired by the Constitution of the Swiss Confederation.
In fact the federal system of the USA is greatly inspired by the federal system of Switzerland. Also election laws in certains states such as California are very similar from the swiss’s federal election law.
Constitutional law practitioners such as lawyers, judges and lawmakers in USA and Switzerland regularly make use of comparative constitutional law to find means and solutions in their counterpart’s Constitution writings and precedents to apply and use it in their own constitutional law and courts.

Partnerships and international relationships
In our researchs in comparative constitutional law, we tie and maintain relationships with law practitioners of other countries in America, Europe and Asia.
Due to our constitutional law history and origins, we have strongly bonded with swiss law practitioners. We work and share especially with the lawyers and paralegals from questiondedroit.ch. Questiondedroit.ch is a swiss law website promoting access to law for disadvantaged swiss citizens and residents who might not find representation and legal advices.
Questiondedroit.ch publishes free swiss law articles and advices in various law thematics such as labor law, criminal law, landlord–tenant law, tax law or family law etc.